For our guests we are there. Everyone relates to his Position, responsible and prudently collegial. And we can very well accepted, and team-oriented.
We are also of the success of the house. In the Service, there are also hierarchies is important, otherwise the work slips. There is always someone who is organized and retain the Overview.
At the upper end of the head of the gang is. Our Chef, Andreas Carnott.

Andreas Carnott

Cooking. Fifth Generation, cyclists, three father has gone to the dogs.

Julia Dorr

The whole of the front. Your first point of contact in the house. Your passion is a love for creative and photography.

Niklas Lanzerath

Excited for his tasks. "I am delighted at the happy guest, then I was good."

Liane König

Service. Is private also constantly in motion and on-the-go.

Kevin Heiling

Chef. Without a cooking spoon in his time the family applies.

Taster days

for internship or Job at a time, to earn money and Meet in Service, kitchen, Hotel a Try, have fun
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Ihr Hotel-Restaurant Ruland

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